About Us

Our Club is a proud member of the Federation of TAMU Mothers’ Clubs and is in District 15. While the Denver Colorado Aggie Mom’s Club is relatively new, the Organization has a long rich history dating back to 1922. The founder of the first Club, Mrs. H.L. (Ada Brooks Allen) Peoples of Dallas began the club with the mission “to contribute in every way to the comfort and welfare of the boys and to cooperate with the faculty of the college in maintaining a high standard of moral conduct and intellectual attainment”.  The mission of the all Aggie Moms’ Clubs remains the same today.

Help us continue to fulfill Mrs. Peoples vision and join us this year. The Denver Colorado Aggie Moms’ Club has members from all over the Denver and Boulder areas. We meet once a month from September to May and the meetings are all over the city – so there is always a chance one of our meetings will be close to your home. At the meetings we not only visit with one another and catch up on all the Aggie News but we also find ways to support our Aggie’s long distance. From Finals Week Goodie Bags to Scholarships and fun craft projects – there is something for everyone!

Contact us at Denveraggiemoms@aggiemoms.org to find out more!